“Your life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” I get it. The gym…


“Your life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

I get it.

The gym, eating “healthy,” tracking food…

From the sound of it, everything seems very boring and mundane.

But that’s with a lot of things in life — brushing your teeth, showering, cleaning, etc.

It’s how you DO those things and your perspective that make the difference.

Do I want to clean up around the house? Absolutely not.

But the feeling afterwards is SO relieving and rewarding.

Do I want to brush my teeth every morning?

It’s definitely a chore, but my teeth stay white and my breath stays fresh, so it’s worth it!

The little, tedious things become enjoyable with the right attitude behind them.

And my point here is, you’re not going to want to grind everyday. No one does.

But putting in the work, keeping a positive mindset, and working for that good feeling afterwards is ALWAYS worth it.

With the gym too, the more you do it, the more of an “adventure” it becomes with time — hitting new numbers, transforming your physique, learning new abilities…

It’s all about how you look at things. Even the mundane become something so much more if you keep your mind open and get started 🤗


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