Yogurt is a healthy treat for your dog because it is high in calcium, zinc and p…


Yogurt is a healthy treat for your dog because it is high in calcium, zinc and protein. And yogurt is a natural probiotic, which supports a healthy digestive system. This pumpkin ginger combination is great for your dog’s digestive health.

▫️Blend the ingredients until smooth.
▫️Fill a popsicle mold (you can buy inexpensive ones on Amazon) or an ice cube tray for mini snack bites.
🧡 Freeze overnight and share with your pup!
#DogMom #DogHealth #DogWellness #DogTips #DogTreat #DogTreatRecipe #RockstarDoggyMomma #rdm #ErinClifford #ErinCliffordWellness#WellnessCoach #HealthTips #Chicago #DogFoodRecipe #HealthyDogTreat #HealthyDogFood #HealthyRecipe #PopsicleRecipe


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