When healthy food becomes unhealthy | Weight loss tips by Priyanka VegFit #shorts


Weight loss by Priyanka VegFit about when healthy food becomes unhealthy

Too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. Too much of healthy food is bad as well. You might think that since they are healthy, they are safe to eat non-stop, but you are dead wrong. Protion control matters a lot. If you are eating more and more unnecessary calories then you’re bound to gain weight.

Healthy foods are not zero calories. You have to pay attention to how much you are eating and when. Healthy foods are quality foods but when eaten in excess they can become harmful. The first rule of losing weight is to eat less than your maintenance calories. If you break the first rule then no matter how healthy your diet is you’ll gain weight. Fruits are healthy but also calorie dense, you can eat as many as you like.

High protein foods are healthy too but eating too much of it can cause you more harm than good. It’s very easy to get obsessed with healthy food, but is it healthy to be obsessed with healthy food? For example, the latest fad in the healthy food industry is to turn healthy food into unhealthy food. For example, take cauliflower. It’s naturally white in color, but if you start adding lots of cream and cheese, it will become brown. Thus, if you eat cauliflower in high quantities, then it will become unhealthy. This is the case with all healthy food.

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