#wellnesswednesday Don’t forget to eat mindfully . Take time to chew your fo…



Don’t forget to eat mindfully .

Take time to chew your food and ensure do your best to not have other distractions.
This is not only better for digestion , but it helps you to relax 💆🏽‍♀️.

Mindful eating tips : 🥬🌮

🍴 Eat more slowly and do your best to not rush your meals .

🍴 Chew thoroughly

🍴 Put your phone 📱 down and give yourself and your food some peace of mind.

🍴 Eat in silence or with some instrumental music 🎶

🍴 Focus on how the food actually makes you feel .

🍴Bring all your senses 👃🏽 to your meal . Be attentive to color , texture , and try identifying all the ingredients and 🧂.

Last but not least .
Pause for a minute or two before you begin eating and silently express gratitude for the opportunity to enjoy a meal. Think of the farm workers , the person who cooked it for you, your delivery guy , or thanks to your hands 🙌🏽.
However gratitude looks like and feels comfortable for you, just take a pause 🙏🏽.

Happy Wednesday 😊

#wellnesswednesday #mindfulnesspractice #mindfuleatingtips #mindfuleating #chiropractic #wellness #health #healthtips #kirocarefamilywellness🌱🐼


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