We know that drinking water throughout the day is important but you may be able …


We know that drinking water throughout the day is important but you may be able reap the benefits of water more at certain times!💧(why isn’t there a glass of water emoji lol)

1. Atleast a glass or two when you wake up: before you reach for your coffee remember you are already dehydrated from your night’s sleep. It helps to kick your brain and body out of sleep mode. It helps to active your organs and remove toxins before your first meal. This is also a good way to encourage healthy hydration habits.
2. 30 minutes before your meals: This helps with digestion and prepares your intestines for the food coming down. The water lining your stomach can also help you feel fuller faster. We absorb water best when our stomachs are not full of food. It may also boost your metabolism.
3. Midafternoon slump: The route cause of this is likely to be dehydration. Studies have found dehydration can cause fatigue, confusion, depression & irritability.
4.Exercise: We lose water and electrolyres theough sweat so it is important to make sure you’re hydrated. But don’t drink too much whilst working out as it can feel uncomfortable – smalls sips are better.

Does anyone here drink water as soon as they wake up?👀

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