🚨A BRAND NEW Youtube video and I thought of none other than you.🚨

It’s a highly anticipated action-packed barnyard superhero shoulder workout with my buddy Mark Bell.

I’m about to share with you 5️⃣ tips that will help you overcome any obstacle when you sculpt your own perfectly chiseled Titan delts.

❇️ Don’t wear yourself out on the warm-up. I see people all the time do 50 or 60 warm-up reps trying to get the “blood flow” when it’s absolutely unnecessary.

❇️Range of motion is everything. Don’t be that guy who’s so huge yet, can’t even touch his back. My goal for you is to be able to scratch all the itches!

❇️DON’T use momentum. Take it slow and controlled. This will maximize strength and fiber tearing.

❇️ Making yourself strong in weak positions is where true strength lies. Anyone can be strong when circumstances are ideal yet, life is rarely ideal.

❇️ Always remember to switch your exercises up. Growth never comes from a place of comfort, so never let your body get comfortable with your workouts.

Like I mentioned earlier, this video features mark bell and I…

Do you know what that happens when Mark and I train together?🤔

We happen to do the most ferocious, the most extreme and the most violent workouts…

In fact, this particular one is so effective, we call it the Ultimate Superhero Shoulder Workout.🏆

I would really be upset if you trained shoulders without seeing this…

Because It’s pure gold and It’s perfect for you.

I’ll admit…most people can’t handle this one…

Except you’re different, you’re apart of the Titan Crew.

I gotta go, I’m so hungry I could probably eat 51 ICON protein pancakes.

No time to lighten up, Time To TITAN UP!
⚔🍀 Mike O’Hearn The Titan

Mike O’Hearn IG:

My website to find all the shirts and workout plans and so much more:


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