Top yogic super foods explained by Sadhguru -(For high energy,stability, health and detoxification )


Top yogic foods explained by Sadhguru for people on spiritual path .
All people can take the benefits from consuming these foods.
There are positive pranic foods which increases our energy which negative pranic foods decreases our energy levels.
The yogic foods how they affect our body and clean our systems in beautifully explained by Sadhguru in this video.
Yogic foods or diet will make your body at ease ,reduce inertia and will detoxify our body from within.
In addition to that Sadhguru also explains about pitta which is mentioned in Ayurveda.
Sadhguru also explains that we should experiment with foods we eat and see what type of food makes us more active and healthy while which food causes lethargy in our system.
Watch the full video for maximum benefit.
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