Top Female Bodybuilder and Fitness Model Shares Her Struggles Online and IRL | New York Post


Serbian fitness competitor and coach Yanyah Milutinovic held back tears as she read through comments on her Instagram photos calling her “gross” and a “fat cow” — some even wondering whether she is a man or a woman.

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Despite the fact that the blonde’s abs are otherworldly thanks to her five workouts a day, she wants the fans and the internet trolls to know that muscles don’t shield her from everything.

“I go through my struggles as well. My life is not perfect. I’m just like them,” Milutinovic says of her worst critics.

Milutinovic — who was once homeless and who is a survivor of domestic violence — recalls getting her head “cracked for Christmas” one year.

It was Milutinovic’s struggles in her life, particularly with alcohol, that pushed her to change her body and enter the fitness profession.

“When I realized that I, basically, won the battle with myself, I started competing with people around me,” Milutinovic says of her road to recovery.

Even though Milutinovic has carved out a whole new life for herself, she still faces challenges because of her gender.

“In any field, it’s hard to be a woman, but particularly in the bodybuilding industry,” she told The Post.

“Because most of the time they want to portray us as muscular or masculine, or in a sexual or provocative way,” she added.

Milutinovic says she’ll get way more likes posting a video of her squatting at a certain angle than she will if she posts a diet or fitness tip.

While some flock to her page to ogle her, others simply try to belittle her because they seek to project their personal pain onto her.

“Don’t break down anyone’s happiness,” she says in a powerful message to the bullies.

“Focus on your own happiness. Don’t hate,” she says.

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