Top 2 Lies Your Doc May Be Telling You… Your autoimmune disease or chronic il…


🧐 Top 2 Lies Your Doc May Be Telling You…

🤷🏼‍♀️ Your autoimmune disease or chronic illness defines you. It is irreversible. You must take drugs to suppress your symptoms…


☠️ The root cause of your symptoms are just anxiety, depression, etc….

Also false!

A lot of issues like Hashimotos, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Scerlosis, and other diseases can be put into remission by changing diet and lifestyle… AND by looking for hidden stressors like infections, heavy metals, mold, mineral imbalances, nutrient deficiencies and other things deeper in the body that might be getting missed.

Hidden stressors in the body, plus consuming the wrong foods, poor sleep, bad relationships, trauma, lack of or improper exercise, and environmental toxins are possible root causes.

I help people figure these root causes out. What’s really goin on in your body and in your life? 🧐 If you want me to be your health detective, you can schedule a health consult through the link in my bio. I recommend booking a call now because I am running out of room in my programs.

#biohacking #holistichealth #biohack #holistichealing #aip #functionalmedicine #autoimmunewarrior #hashimotosdisease #nutrition #alternativemedicine #foodismedicine #paleo #hashimotos #thyroidhealth #autoimmunehealth #healthtips #holistic #chronicillness #immunesupport #leakygut #guthealth #hormonehealth #risemovement #heavymetals #lupus #multiplesclerosis


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