Tips for Glowing Healthy Skin (स्वस्थ और चमकती त्वचा के लिए टिप्स) | ClearSkin, Pune | (In HINDI)


Do you wish to have Healthy Glowing Skin? Want to know How to Get Glowing Skin? Let us see some Tips for Glowing Healthy Skin given by renowned Dermatologists Dr. Dhananjay Chavan.

00:29 – Tip 1: Protect Your Skin from Sun
01:15 – Tip 2: Choose Wisely Skin Care Products
02:14 – Tip 3: Keep Your Skin Hydrated
02:44 – Tip 4: Healthy Diet
03:32 – Tip 5: Exercise
04:41 – Tip 6: Remove Makeup Before Going to Bed
05:59 – Tip 7: Moisturiser
06:28 – Tip 8: Anti-aging Cream
07:05 – Tip 9: Avoid Frequent Scrubbing
08:11 – Tip 10: Consult Your Dermatologist

जानिए, स्किन को glowing और healthy रखने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए|

१) धुप से होने वाले tanning, pigmentation, और photo-aging से बचने के लिए हररोज Broad-Spectrum सनस्क्रीन का उपयोग करो|
२) Skin type के हिसाब से कोई भी skin product को चुनो|
३) आपके skin को hydrate रखने के लिए कमसे कम २-३ लीटर पानी पीना जरुरी है|
४) आपके diet में fruit, हरी सब्जिया और citrus food लेना जरुरी है|
५) Fine lines या wrinkles आना चालू हो गया तो Retinol contain skin care product भी उसे कर सकते है|
६) Regular exercise, yoga और medication से स्किन का blood circulation बढ़ कर स्किन पे glow आता है|
Are you suffering from age spots, wrinkles, dull skin? For dermatologist vetted resources on Best skin rejuvenation treatments, visit

पढ़े, Sun damaged skin why it happens and what works?

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वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद Tips for Glowing Healthy Skin (स्वस्थ और चमकती त्वचा के लिए टिप्स) | ClearSkin, Pune | (In HINDI)

You can quickly go through below about the video in brief.

Glowing skin is a sign of healthy skin. But often due to changes in the weather, modern-day eating habits, and pollution, maintaining young and glowing skin gets difficult.

Moreover, our time constraints and fast-paced lifestyle do not help.

So let’s talk about how you can take care of your skin’s health and get that glow on your skin!

Dermatologists agree that drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day helps your body to flush out toxins quickly. This keeps your body’s internal working clean & hydrated which reflects on your skin!

You are what you eat so eating a healthy diet makes all the difference. Eating healthy proteins and fruits and vegetables is the way to go.

Doing any form of exercise that you enjoy regularly helps you sweat the toxins out and stimulates blood flow which keeps your skin fresh and supple. Maintaining yourself both inside and out is important.

So while you take care of yourself from inside by eating right, exercising, sleeping well & drinking plenty of water, you can actually adopt certain habits to take care of your skin from external factors such as sun, dust, pollution, and so on.

Salicylic acid is a dermatologist’s favorite when it comes to face washes.
This will really help you to kill the bacteria that can cause acne. This may tend to dry out your skin so use this face wash only in the morning and again at night if it’s required. Moisturize daily so that your skin remains hydrated.

Protect your skin from the sun. Use sunscreen with SPF 30 before stepping out in the sun.

Healthy, glowing skin can’t be achieved in one day. You need to consistently take care of your skin and maintain it for that glowing skin you want!

So let’s quickly discuss healthy skincare habits:

– Always use broad-spectrum sunscreen before you step out in sun and re-apply it every 2-3 hours! – — Wash your face at least twice a day especially after a long day outdoors!
– Always remember to wipe your makeup off your face before you sleep.
– Change your pillow cover and bed sheet regularly so that bacteria do not breed and your skin remains infection-free.
– Make sure to select your skincare products as per your skin type, for oily skin go for water-based products, for dry skin go for cream-based products
– Meditate and practice stress-busting techniques so that your facial muscles are relaxed.

I would always recommend you visit your dermatologist for any skin concerns that you may have or if you notice increased acne breakouts and bumps.

Remember that any product you use should suit the needs of your skin. You need not necessarily opt for the most expensive product on the shelf. Get your skin type and needs assessed by a dermatologist.

Practice these healthy habits and your skin will be one step closer to being healthy and glowing!


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