This post is right in time for our monthly group detox, starting this Saturday, …


This post is right in time for our monthly group detox, starting this Saturday, after Thanksgiving! 🦃

So many times, I’ll have clients come to me taking TONS of supplements, probiotics, medications or over the counter drugs, and not see any improvement in their health.

They might feel better temporarily, but these are mostly band-aid approaches to wellness. Covering up what’s happening on the surface, while the problem beneath just keeps getting worse and worse.

This is a major reason that doctors have to keep adjusting patients medications. The body either grows a tolerance to them and adapts, or the underlying condition causing symptoms (that isn’t being treated) continues to worsen.

More is NOT always better.

Detoxing is a GREAT first step for many out there dealing with chronic illness, stubborn weight, imbalanced hormones, allergies, low immunity, skin issues and much more.

If you’re interested in cleaning out your fish tank, and joining our monthly group detox, shoot me a DM for more info! ✨


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