The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill cancelled classes this past Tues…


⚠️The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill cancelled classes this past Tuesday to “acknowledge and reflect on the seriousness of mental health illness” after two recent suicides on campus.

“We are in the middle of a mental health crisis, both on our campus and across our nation, and we are aware that college-aged students carry an increased risk of suicide,” Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz said Sunday.

👉We have a crisis on our hands. I have never seen so much anxiety and depression in my entire career. While trying to deal with a novel virus that took over the world, we implemented some things that have hurt our children, like social isolation and zoom school. I am not pointing fingers. I am simply bringing to light an issue that needs to be discussed more open and freely:


👉All of our children are at risk for suicide. Many hospitals are seeing kids as young as ten with suicidal ideation.

❗️TODAY: talk to your kids at dinner and ask them how they are doing. In the slide show I have the screening questionnaire I use in my clinic, to help you out. Call your college kids and check in.

How do you ask kids about suicide?

Don’t beat it around the bush.

👉Ask them if they have ever thought about killing themselves. If yes, do not panic.  
👉Ask them if they are considering it right now? If yes, it’s time to get help.
👉Ask them what plans they thought of? It gives you an understanding into how worried you need to be.
👉No judgement. Do not raise your voice, stay calm!
👉Assess the situation and talk to their doctor with the info you gathered.

✅How are you keeping tabs on your children’s mental health?


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