The Truth About Gym Ownership – Regardless of what you hear and see, both in per…


The Truth About Gym Ownership

Regardless of what you hear and see, both in person and on social media, gym ownership is draining and stressful.

From broken equipment, people doing disrespectful things, billing issues, those troublesome clients, the lack of respect for your time…the list goes on.

I absolutely LOVE what I get to do on a daily basis: help others achieve their goals. It makes every day feel rewarding. But at the end of the day, you’re running a business. Money has to be made if you want to not only stay open, but grow and provide an even better service.

The biggest changes I’ve made this past year, is saying “No”. I’ve pissed people off, lost some members, and felt like I’m not a good person at times, but at the end of the day I’m a human too. No one is above anyone else in my gym, and that’s a hard pill to swallow in a competitive environment.

I feel like I’ve done my absolute best to make rules, systems, and things flow smoothly so that everyone can be happy and benefit. But when you’re an owner, you’ll realize someone is always not happy. And that’s just business unfortunately. You just can’t please everyone all the time. The energy it would require for me to please everyone would leave my own loved ones empty as I’d have nothing left for them when it matters. And if a business is doing that, it’s no longer healthy or sustainable.

So the next time you see a business owner in general, while they may have a smile on their face, not all days are sunshine and rainbows. Just know, by simply doing the little things as a customer and client, as a goose you’re helping the gander.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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