The Thrasher: Full Body Dumbbell Only Workout Ft. David Morin | Faster Fat Loss™


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Looking to build ripped arms, jacked legs and a muscular chest?

Today I’m gonna show you exactly how you can do all that and more, with just a few dumbbells.

David Morin here from Blue Star Nutraceuticals with this week’s Faster Fat Loss™ workout. Today, I’m running you through a fast and furious dumbbell only full body circuit that will light up your whole body with some of the most effective fat torching dumbbell exercises you can perform.

So grab those dumbbells and get ready to melt away those love handles.

This is The Thrasher: Full Body Dumbbell Only Workout!

Let’s get to it!

For this workout, you’ll perform 6 metabolic conditioning exercises in circuit fashion aiming for as many reps as possible in 30 seconds. Think speed and explosiveness for these.

You should use a weight that is about 40% of your 1 Rep Max – so if you can Squat & Press 100 Lb dumbbells, you’ll use 40s for this exercise.

Once all 6 exercises are complete, that’s the end of round one.

Your goal is to complete 5 rounds in the shortest time possible.

So keep your rest times as short as possible and let’s see how quickly you can make it through!

Comment below with your times when you give this one a shot – my first run through this one was just under 18 and a half minutes so do what you can to beat that!

As always, the complete workout will be listed for you in the description below.

Now let’s get this going!

Exercise #1: Dumbbell Squat & Press
Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your shoulders, brace the core, keep the knees out and perform a full depth squat going as deep as you can maintaining proper form – then explode up through the heels and drive the dumbbells into an overhead press, lower under control and repeat.

Exercise #2: Dumbbell Push-Up + Tricep Kickback
Setup in a plank position with a dumbbell in each hand underneath your shoulders, feet slightly wider than shoulder width, body straight like a board – don’t allow your hips to sag or stick up in the air. Lower under control until your chest is just above the ground, then explosively push yourself back up to the top. Once at the top lift one dumbbell up and perform a kickback, keeping your elbow in line with your body, flex the tricep at the top and control back down, then perform a kickback with your other arm before lowering into your next push-up and repeat.

Exercise #3: Wall Sit + Front Raise
These will torch your quads and shoulders. Set up with your back against a wall, feet about shoulder width – keep your legs bent at 90 degrees, sit and hold. While in this position, you’ll perform a front raise keeping your arms extended straight, raise up until parallel with the floor, then lower under control and repeat until time is up.

Exercise #4: Dumbbell Curl 21s
Stand with a pair of dumbbells at your sides. Perform 7 reps curling only halfway up from the bottom, then perform 7 reps curling only halfway down from the top, then finish with 7 full range of motion reps. This is an excellent old school technique for packing a ton of volume into a short period of time and will help pack on lean, ripped muscle to those biceps.

Exercise #5: Dumbbell Lunge + Lateral Raise
Grab a pair of dumbbells then perform a lunge, by taking a big step forward and dropping your back knee so it’s just above the ground, as you lower into the bottom position, raise your arms out straight to your sides, performing a lateral raise. Your arms should be parallel with the floor as you get into the bottom of your lunge. Then push off the front heel explosively returning to the start position and repeat alternating side to side.

Exercise #6: Dumbbell Bent Over Row + Rear Delt Fly
Keep your torso parallel to the ground – and brace your core. A little body english is ok on this exercise – but still keep the movement as controlled as possible. Row the weight up to your mid stomach, pulling with your elbows, and control the weight back down. Then immediately perform a rear delt fly, keeping your arms extended straight raise them out to your sides until parallel with the floor and control back down. Perform as many of these as you can before time is up.

And that is this week’s Faster Fat Loss™ Workout! Congratulations!

Perform this workout 4 times this week to completely replace boring traditional cardio sessions on a treadmill or elliptical.

#BlueStarNutraceuticals #FasterFatLoss #DumbbellWorkout


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