The effort recovery theory & burnout // student work life balance I read a jou…


The effort recovery theory & burnout // student work life balance

I read a journal article yesterday that shared the importance of “low-effort” tasks when employees are experiencing burnout.

The article went on to describe the effort recovering theory ——

According to the Effort-Recovery model, mental or physical detachment from work is an important mechanism of work related recovery, as delayed recovery has been associated with range of negative health symptoms.

Otherwise known as unwinding after work can be critical to our overall performance + enjoyment at our job.

The reason I say wellness is balance and balance is wellness and especially in the context of student life & balancing soul-ful activities is the concept of what we want to prioritize in “life”

I over-indulge in work daily which is why self care activities like cleaning, laundry & meal prep is so important because it’s “low effort” and relaxing but sets my future self up for the week. 🧘🏽‍♀️📖

I went on a stroll today at the waterfront mid work day to prioritize a bit of a break from screens as it only positively contributes to my performance.

Goal for the week as you read this: think about the self care tasks that hit your 8 facets of wellness that you need to integrate to promote your well-being today.

Think about burnout think about how we can best avoid that state of exhaustion. If we can understand the importance of unplugging you’ll be better equipped to handle life’s stressors.


Link to the article:!po=0.609756


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