Teaching Basketball: Improve Ball Handling Skills – 15 minute Workout


This is a 15 minute basketball workout to help improve and sharpen a player’s ball control. Each drill lasts for 30 seconds, but the final part is a free style dribble that lasts for 1 minute. Don’t worry about speed, because that will come with time. Focus on keeping your hands open wide with the wrap around drills to get a good grip on the ball and keep the ball low to the ground on the finger tip drills. Notice how I try to keep the ball around ankle height when doing the finger tip dribbles. Make sure you go all out on the free style dribble. Be creative and focus on keeping the ball low and in the center of your body. Just make sure you don’t stop dribbling. Try to do this workout at least once a day for two weeks. If you want to do it more that is great. I will have a new video up in two weeks that will focus on these same drills but will incorporate movement. Future workouts will get more intense and complex. I started off focusing on low finger tip dribbles because it will be the foundation of our future workouts. When building a house you start from the ground up. Have fun with this workout and don’t worry about making mistakes. If you mess up pick the ball up and keep going. Even the pros make mistakes. Be fluid and get a good rhythm going. This is a very tiring workout, but you will see great results if you put the work in. Be sure to subscribe and check back for videos every month that will help improve your game! If anyone has any questions please ask and I will make sure to answer you. Thanks for watching!


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