Steph’s 5 Tips for Holiday Drinking 1. Stay hydrated! I like to have water al…


Steph’s 5 Tips for Holiday Drinking 🥂🍷🍸

1. Stay hydrated! 💦 I like to have water alongside any alcoholic drink, and I often fill my glass with water in between pours. Sometimes I make a spritzer with white wine & soda. However you prefer it, drink it!! (You’ll thank me tomorrow).

2. Eat food. 🍝 It is easier to pace yourself when you’re consuming food, too. Wine can go with dinner; wine is not dinner itself.

3. On that note: pace yourself. ⌚Just as mindful eating is important to our relationship with food, mindful drinking is important to our relationship with alcohol. Aside from the alcohol itself, the calories add up FAST. I do not recommend counting calories in general; I do recommend being knowledgeable/aware of them, particularly if you have weight management goals.

4. Consider red wine. 🍷 Lots of research linking its antioxidants to less inflammation, and also some on better circulation and reduced stress, which lead to improved heart health… I’ll take it, right?!

5. It’s more cost effective to buy the box. You can’t argue facts. 🧃✌

Share these reminders, then go enjoy your holiday! Cheers! 🥂

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