SPORT (7) Quick Morning Glute Workout #AcSport


Good morning! The new #ACSportSeries is now up on Youtube – today we’re working our glutes. Grab you pre-workout drink and join us on #ACSPORT.

All sport videos can be done as so, or as sets, repeated x2, x3, x4 times, as many as you feel depending on your level. Now keep in mind, I’m not a PT, I’m just trying my best to achieve good results working out from home, these are exercises that work for me, maybe they will work for you as well.

For me sport is now more than an activity to keep me fit and in shape, it’s my moment, my morning routine where I relax and unwind, while doing something that my body benefits from. Take your time, breathe, stop if you need to, more videos to come every week.



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