So last week I got up on stage for the first time and had one of the best experi…


So last week I got up on stage for the first time and had one of the best experienced ever! Thank you to the @ukdfba for putting on such a well run show and all round great experience. Thank you to all the support from family and friends who came down to watch give me that extra buzz on stage.

I set myself a goal 6 months ago that I would step into the world of body building and get on stage and compete in the men’s physique division…….. the goal was never about winning or loosing but doing it for myself. I achieve this goal and passed any expectations I had. From day 1 we ticked every box day by day, week by week month by month and brought the best condition we possible could on the day.

When I say ‘we’ I’m referring to the team I’ve had around me from the start and wouldn’t have been able to do any of it without there support, knowledge or patience. So a massive thank you to my coach @jase_345 for pulling every string regarding training, nutrition and being at the end of the phone day or night from day dot. The man is a true legend and the best in the game! Thank you @asn_mentor for my posing and supplements, once again best quality products around and his experience and knowledge in the bodybuilding game is second to none. Thank you to @nicola1bod For the amazing tan and making me look incredible! Thank you to to all my family and friends that have supported through the last 6 months and understanding that i’ve not been about as much as I would have liked. Massive thank you to anyone who has helped pass a dumbbell up or spotted me through this time….. sometimes it’s the little things.

My last and most important thank you goes to my wife @emily_brown_28. You’ve been there since day dot and wouldn’t have expected anything different from you. From prepping food to washing gym kits everyday you’ve had it covered and made it possible for me to achieve my goal. We did it babe and we might both just have caught the bug for it………🙄 we go again 💪🏻

#ukdfba #bodybuilding #physique #natural #naturalbodybuilding #naturalbodybuilder #fitness #weightloss #contestprep #contest #diet #motivation #nutrition #consistency #sportsdirectfitness


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