Since dealing with issues from the vaccine and COVID I have had time to reflect …


Since dealing with issues from the vaccine and COVID I have had time to reflect on my life like never before, have become closer to god then ever before, and become closer to my family then we have ever been.
When you go through something like this you can’t help but realize how important health is. Most you may think, Kelli, you were the healthiest person I know. I have forced into learning more about my health then I ever thought possible. There are habits I will never go back to, because they no longer serve me.
I have learned so much about supplements, especially for the gut.
I have learned to slow down, because well, I was forced to.
I learned I am still holding on to trama from my childhood, and working with a trama therapist that has changed my life.
I have learned to truly appreciate the time being with my kids instead of trying to run from them to get a break.
I learned I was running from my past, I learned my husband is even more awesome then already knew.
As I slowly start to heal, I look forward to teaching my true passions again, yoga and pilates, and connecting with the community I build together with others.
But this time around, I am doing it with pacing myself, presence, grace, and not trying to be the best all the time, because let’s face it, that’s exhausting.

If I could give advice to anyone from all this it would be, you could always be healier, you can get rid of unhealthy habits if you really want to, and to slow down. We all have so many dreams and we try to rush to get to them, that we sometimes forget what the end goal is and get lost trying.

No body know what this virus will do to us long term, which is something I fear every day, but I have to keep fighting for my health.


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