Reposted from @womens_health_west Can you get Hepatitis B from kitchen utensils?…


Reposted from @womens_health_west Can you get Hepatitis B from kitchen utensils? We’re hungry for the truth, and the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health have served a virtual buffet of facts for us.

#ActionforEquity #SexualReproductiveHealthWeek Day 2: STI prevention and treatment

#STI #STIprevention #STItreatment #HealthFacts #hepatitis #HepB #hepatitisb #sexuallytransmittedinfection #SexualHealth #SaferSex #SaferSexIsSexy #healthcare #WomensHealth #QueerHealth #LGBT #MaternalHealth #Pregnant #MummaToBe #Bloodborne #HealthTips #SexEd #SexEducation #LifeHack #Healthy #HealthFacts #Medicine


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