Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common health condition experienced by 1 o…


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common health condition experienced by 1 out of 10 women of childbearing age. PCOS can also lead to other serious health challenges, such as diabetics , cardiovascular problems, depression, and increased risk of endometrial cancer.

PCOD/PCOS week @jofi.tness
We’ll be spreading awareness to the public and help out society in get out of pcod..

↔️Pcod Diet plans
↔️ Yoga
↔️ Diet
↔️ personal nutritionist

We provide all this services to help the society from this serious problem..

#pcosfighter #pcodiet
#pcoshairloss #pcodawareness #pcosawarenessmonth #pcosawarness #jofitness #keraladietitian #weightlossexercise #pcosfacts #pcosnutrition #pcostreatment #pcosfertility #pcosinfertility #pcospregnancy #pcoshairloss #pcoshairloss #facialhair #womensupportingwomen #womensupportingotherwomen #fitnessworld #fitnesswomen #healthtips #sundaytimes #kochitimes #kochihealth #fitkerala #keralahealthnews


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