Oregano is a staple herb in most kitchens, but did you know it has health benefi…


Oregano is a staple herb in most kitchens, but did you know it has health benefits for your pooch too? 🌱

This isn’t just for your pasta or chicken or whatever you use it on!
Oregano is multi-functional – so when fed in moderation to your pet, it can be highly beneficial. It can be given daily too, for added boost.

It’s listed benefits, when used daily, are as follows:

🐾 Oregano is known as a topical antifungal when used in an oil form.

🐾 Oregano is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, so when given in conjunction with other natural anti-inflammatory herbs, will yield great benefits over time!

🐾 Oregano is a topical antibacterial aid as well when used in oil form.

Do you give your dog Oregano? Or don’t you? Tell us below! 👇


As always, the contents in this post and blog are not meant to diagnose, treat, or overrule any advice given from your veterinarian. If your pet is struggling with health-related problems. please consult your veterinarian or holistic veterinarian.

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