Okay here’s the deal. Sugar has the same addictive tendencies as drugs. Did you…


Okay here’s the deal.
Sugar has the same addictive tendencies as drugs. Did you know that?! When I heard that I was like ohhhh my god, WHAT?! That’s why is so f’ing hard to stay away. So here’s my tips with all the Halloween candy around the house right now.

1. Put it out of site. Out of site, out of mind 🤞🏼
2. Put a healthy alternative next to the candy bowl. (I put our protein bars right by it and my nutritional shake.)
3. Baggie up some fruits and/or veggies so when you need an “on the go” snack you can grab that instead.
4. Write a sticky note on the bowl to remind you of how you will feel if you don’t dive into the rabbit hole of munching.
5. Pick out one piece a day. And then DONT eat it right then and there. Hold off as long as you can. Grab a glass of water and go do a house chore to keep your mind off it. Treat yourself at the end of the day. More than likely one piece will lead to more so hold off as long as you can.

My favorite moto to go by is, “stay as good as you can for as long as you can.”
Also remember it’s ALL MENTAL. You aren’t going to die without it. You don’t NEED it. You WANT it. But you want energy, ambition, motivation too right?
Taste is temporary. Remember that 😘


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