Nutrition Plans AREN’T WORTH IT 💀❌


In this video, Mario Rios is provin gwhy nutrition plans aren’t worth it. Nutrition plans are by lazy bodybuilders like Greg Doucette to get you to buy their products and follow their restrictive diets, but they’re not worth it. Nutrition plans are expensive and can be hard to follow, and they ultimately don’t work.

Instead, I recommend following a flexible diet that revolves around healthy whole foods. This means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. You’ll still lose weight and gain muscle for your bodybuilding and fitness goals, and you’ll be eating in a way that’s conducive to your health and bodybuilding goals. So whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or you’re just looking to improve your health, don’t fall for the trap of nutrition plans!

#shorts #nutrition #bodybuilding #diet #food #bodybuilder #fitness #fit #gym


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