Nick Walker RESPONDS to Fouad Abiad Claims over HOSSTILE SPLIT! *My Reaction*


My LIVE Reaction to Nick Walker’s RESPONSE to Fouad Abiad’s comments to Bodybuilding & BS’s Nick Trigili regarding the SPLIT between Nick Walker & Hosstile just days after it was announced that Nick was leaving his coach Dom “SuperSliced” for his former coach Matt Jansen who is part owner of Raw & Revive, which was also Nick’s former sponsor.

🏆 Try a Super Chat & have YOUR comment, question OR message to appear at the top & have it answered/featured by me LIVE 🔴

❓ What’s YOUR thoughts on what Nick Walker had to say in his Response to Fouad Abiad?

► Ask YOUR Questions LIVE & let me know YOUR thoughts after the live finishes!

► Fouad Abiad’s comments via Nick Trigili of @BodyBuilding & BS –

// S U B S C R I B E

// F O L L O W // X A V I E R

// F O L L O W // D E S K T O P B O D Y B U I L D I N G

// J O I N T H E F A C E B O O K G R O U P


#NickWalker #FouadAbiad #Hosstile


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