Natural is becoming a fluid term… It seems that if atleast 1 ingredient resemble…


Natural is becoming a fluid term…
It seems that if atleast 1 ingredient resembles a plant/earth source then they can say it’s plant derived or plant sourced or organically farmed or “natural”….
When in fact there’s still alot of preservative and chemical composition which will without fail result in inflammation in our body.

For many this really doesn’t matter… the results need to be thick and fast.

But I personally have always played the long game. Valuing the increase of functionality in my body rather than adding more chemicals in the hopes that they’ll repair an injury or help me lose weight faster.
There have been times when I’ve taken shortcuts but im quickly reminded of how devastating they are in my digestion and lymphatic system.

Are you solidly passionate about health and helping people? Because I really would love to partner with more people who hold this passion for true health and not shortcuts, fad products, or fancy technology.

True organic wholefood health and habits is the pathway to elevated health and vitality, anything else is just a mask.

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