Narrowly dodging the VID, feeling good and training hard Did you know that 70%…


Narrowly dodging the VID, feeling good and training hard 😅😅

Did you know that 70% of our immune tissue is made in our gut?

So although we may not be able to avoid Covid forever we can certainly minimise its impact, our symptoms and recovery time with focusing on a healthy gut.

Here are the things you should be doing today for a healthy gut + immune system:

1️⃣ Walk outside in nature- fresh air encourages more good gut bacteria and better mental and physical health.

2️⃣ Fasting- encourages good gut bacteria to flourish as well as giving your digestive system a break so your body can heal

3️⃣ Lots of green veggies- alkalises the body and helps to reduce inflammation

4️⃣ Pre and Probiotics- probiotics help to add more good gut bacteria and probiotics feed the good guys. You can take this in supplement form or include in your diet like
probiotics: kimchi, sauerkraut, natural unsweetened yogurt coconut or dairy, kombucha low sugar
prebiotics: raw onion, garlic, cashews, beans- chickpeas etc

5️⃣ Collagen or Bone broth- this helps to build a strong gut lining stopping toxins entering the gut resulting in sickness or food sensitivities aka leaky gut.

So proud of my 8 Week Health Reset gals killing it with the majority of these tips 💜

Take care out there guys, rest when you need to, train when you can. There really is no better time to prioritise your health than right now.

Sending love to you all xx


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