My fucking hurray I wasn’t going to post much about my own personal health jou…


My fucking hurray 🙌

I wasn’t going to post much about my own personal health journey, it felt a little too vulnerable to talk about in the midst of feeling like shiteeee PLUS I want this to be a positive Instagram about pelvic floor issues as I really, truly believe everyone has the potential to heal despite your diagnosis. Hell I was diagnosed with all sorts life long and life quality ruining conditions, but sure I’ve had years of whooping it up pain free with those same labels- so I’m not buying it! The body is always healing itself, sure that’s mainly what it does- so try to mitigate what’s blocking it and give what it needs to let it work it’s magic.

I was able to walk up to Coumshingaun and take a dip this weekend, which I wouldn’t have been able to do last month..!
That’s a big fat win for me and my vagina! And a big fat pay off for doing a lot of work to care for myself psychologically, socially, spiritually, physiologically and chemically, the whole shibang!

Healing long term pain isn’t a straight road and I expect more ups and downs along the way so now it’s time to respect my CURRENT limits by honouring my body-mind with rest, recovery and nourishment.

My gut tells me that today my body wants:
– Slow paced, puttery movement
– Warm nourishing soups, broths or slow cooked food
– Cosy and warm clothes
– Alone time
– A gentle stretching session including self-massage and embodiment meditation
– Maybe a toasty lil lovely bath with bae

So there’s my big self-congratulatory post. Would love to hear if anyone out there’s having any wins, whooshes of gratitude or fucking hurrays! HMU
And as always unclench 🍑
Life loads better when you’re softttt

#chronicpain #chronicpelvicpain #chronicpelvicpainsyndrome #IC #interstitialcystitis #endometriosis #painfulbladdersyndrome #painfulbladderdisease #womenshealth #pelvichealth #holistichealth #trauma #healthtips #yoga #yogagirl #empoweringwomen


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