Many believe if you exercise enough, you can outdo a bad diet. This may be true …


Many believe if you exercise enough, you can outdo a bad diet. This may be true for a small portion of teenagers and those in their early 20’s, but as you get older metabolism starts to slow down and toxins start to simultaneously build up. What you may have done in your teens and twenties, will not produce the same benefits as you enter your 30’s and onwards. In your 30’s, your body starts to mature, slowing down metabolism, weight starts to creep up, stressors increase, toxins start to reach maximum capacity, degeneration of health and DNA starts to occur, organ systems start to degrade, hormones become unbalanced and disease starts to manifest.

Therefore as we age it’s absolutely essential to change your projected path to disease, to a path of optimal health and prevention. A healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy diet, exercise, intermittent fasting, prayer, faith, meditation and individualised nutritional plan is essential to fight off the effects of unhealthy ageing.

You get one body and one shot at health. Which path are you taking?


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