Low Carb: Key to healthy food | PortionControl Diet | Carbs types


Poor imbalanced food and eating habits are the major reasons of modern diseases and obesity. Carbs are major portion of food. There are different types of carbs
Good carbs are complex carbs. Like fiber rich vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, pulses, whole grain cereals. These must be good part of healthy meal
Poor carbs are simple carbs like sugar and starch. These must be reduced.
Portion control diet should be followed with 1/4th plate as starchy food, 1/4th plate protein and 1/2 plate starch free complex carbs like fresh vegetables, salads, fruits, nuts.
#carbs #lowcarb #lowcarbdiet #portioncontrol #weightloss #diabetescare #obesity #healthyrecipes #daalchawal #multigrainroti #salad


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