Let me say that, almost everything you learn from training can be applied to eve…


Let me say that, almost everything you learn from training can be applied to every day life, and other professions as well. So anyone can learn from this 👇🏽

Your BEST will not yield the same level of output day in day out. There’ll always be HIGHS & LOWS like the CREST & TROUGH of a wave.

On the HIGH days, you’re laser sharp focused, fully committed, filled with confidence, you really feel like nothing can stop you.

It’s on these days that almost anything you touch is a blessing, you do not entertain fear, you don’t get tired, you endure & almost enjoy the pain. You don’t have to be told what to do, it’s like you’re on auto-pilot and you only leave the gym because you have something else to do.

On the other hand…

You struggle to get out of bed on the LOW days, when you eventually drag yourself to the gym, you want to leave the very next minute. Almost everything you touch is so unfamiliar & difficult to do.

I’m more concerned about these days, because you’re more likely to get injured, your performance in the gym is likely to suck & ruin the rest of your day…
It’s these days that test your will, your resilience, your discipline, commitment…

On these days…
📌Keep your sh** together
📌Whatever your 💯 looks like, Give it !

Peruse this 👇🏽
“If you think you are only strong if you can lift a certain number, whatever that number is, you will feel pretty weak most of the time. Strength is not a data point; it’s not a number. It’s an attitude.”

– Pavel Tsatsouline

#motivation #fitnessquotes #strength #strengthtraining #fitspo #workoutmotivation #healthtips #athletetraining #workoutips #hwpo #goals #lagosfitnesscoach #paveltsatsouline #kettlebellworkout #barbelltraining #powerlifting #crossfit #oly


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