Leg Day Werk this am Decided this morning to head into work early to really fo…


Leg Day Werk this am 🤩

Decided this morning to head into work early to really focus and dial in on this leg day. I kept telling myself I can do it after work but I also know myself and would’ve made a million excuses to just do it tomorrow.

So happy I got my ass up early and crushed it 💪🏽

Werk down below:
✨ RDLs 5×5 @ 185lbs (rep and weight PR)
✨ 1.5 Goblet squats 4×8
✨ Glute Emphasis Bulgarian Split Squat 4×10 (I wanted to die wtf)
✨ KAS Glute Bridge 3×12 @ 205lbs SS BW Hip Thrust 3×15
✨ Banded Leg Curls 100 AFAP (operation build my hammies is in full effect)


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