~just because I workout doesn’t mean I’m not lazy~ As per your responses on my …


~just because I workout doesn’t mean I’m not lazy~

As per your responses on my story, one of the biggest obstacles to your fitness goals is essentially just pure laziness.

This isn’t surprising at all, because as humans (especially our generation), we are all innately lazy. I know that I most certainly am.

What this goes to show though, is that these goals are not a priority for you, which is completely okay. Since we only have limited energy to dedicated to the things most important to us.

I believe the best way to combat this is to first take a step back and evaluate WHY you want to reach said fitness goals.

What do you think will change in your life by achieving this? What will happen if you keep putting off this goal?

If you still think it’s important enough, then the next step is to create a plan that puts as little friction between you and your goals as possible.

Some things I’d advise (as cliche as they sound)
1) Joining a gym in close proximity, preferably with an ambiance so you actually enjoy going there
2) Identifying workouts that work for you
3) Putting out your workout clothes/snacks/headphones ahead of time
4) Meal prepping meals that are conducive to your goals

Reach out to me if you need help reducing friction for your specific fitness goals.

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