Jcoach Remote coaching with a client in the suburbs of Chicago. I have to admit…


Jcoach Remote coaching with a client in the suburbs of Chicago. I have to admit, Without Covid I may have never transitioned some of my business to remote coaching, but now that I have it’s been going extremely well. I realized that since my primary specialty is training program design, that is dependent upon the goals, current fitness level, and strength imbalances of each client, that remote coaching using my 4 years macrocycle Spreadsheet that I designed To produce progressive training programs every three weeks, and that tracks all of the program design and testing data is very effective. On my end I design the programs, prescribe the loading, log in the data, give technique cues, and Keep the rest periods times on my end. The only two things that I cannot do via remote coaching are Exercise demonstrations and assisting with the loading and unloading of the weights. All of my clients that I’ve been coaching remotely have greatly increased their strength and body compositions during this Covid duration, it’s been awesome. 💪🏻 ~ Jcoach


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