I’m a bodybuilder myself #mikementzer #bodybuilding #fitness #gym #gymmotivation


In addition to my logical identifications of the facts of reality, why I’m able to communicate on a meaningful level with bodybuilders is quite simply because I am a bodybuilder myself. Many of the hopes, dreams, doubts and fears you may have experienced as a bodybuilder I’ve experienced too. So while it is true that we are all unique as individuals, each in possession of an unrepeatable, irreplaceable personality, it is also true.

That as human beings we share many things. This brings to mind another statement from Arthur Jones, the man who taught me not only much of considerable value about the nature of exercise, but also about thinking of human beings on the subject of shared experiences and issues, Mr. Jones said. Mike, if you want to understand others, merely look inside of yourself. Mr. Jones’s concept has served me very well over the years. As a type of orienting principle with regard to my writing.



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