If you’ve been treating a mold issue for a few months, then there’s 2 ways to kn…


If you’ve been treating a mold issue for a few months, then there’s 2 ways to know whether the treatment is effective or not.

The first is to track your symptoms. If you’re starting to feel better – the brain fog is clearing, less headaches, your gut is less of an issue, there’s less anxiety etc – then obviously something is working.

But the other thing you can do is retake a urine test. If it’s only been about 3-4 months of treatment then I’d expect to see higher levels of mold mycotoxins in your urine.

Why is this a good thing? Because your body is expelling more of them. 6-12 months later I’d expect to see a lot in the urine as you’ll have hopefully moved the majority of mycotoxins out of your body.

If there’s more mold coming out at 6-12 months then either the treatment isn’t as effective as we hoped, or you’re still living in mold, which is a major issue that must be rectified if you want to recover properly.

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