If You don’t rest enough, you won’t grow enough #mikementzer #fitness #bodybuilding #weightlifting


The big picture in bodybuilding is comprised essentially of two elements of equal value 5050. The first element, 50% of the big picture, of course, is the workout itself, and the other element is the rest period between workouts. The workout, you understand, does not actually produce muscle growth. The workout merely serves to stimulate or trigger the body’s growth mechanism into motion.

It is the body itself, of course, which actually produces the growth, but only if left undisturbed during a sufficient rest period. You don’t rest enough, you don’t grow enough. Do you see where it follows logically that there has to be a perfect or optimum number of days of rest, and anything less than that will compromise progress? And I have found that for most one workout every four to seven days, as I said before. Is literally almost miraculous compared to any other frequency protocol.



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