I don’t hear enough online business owners talking about social media comparison…


I don’t hear enough online business owners talking about social media comparison and burnout.

There’s a glamorous side we show you.

And there’s an ugly side where we cry, scream and ask ourselves if it’s worth it.

Last week I took a step back to reflect on why I started it all in the first place.

If I’m not present with my friends and family when it matters, is it even worth it?

This applies to all I preach to you.

Fitness, business and relationships.

In fitness, your life shouldn’t be so revolved around dieting that it stops you from even sitting and enjoying a meal with a loved one.

Or have you scrolling on Instagram comparing your body to fitness influencers who’ve worked years on their body.

In business, when you find yourself comparing your follower count to all the highly established fitness gurus then it’s time to ask yourself if you’re doing it to grow your following or actually help people.

Or when you’re spending more time speaking to prospects than your own family, is it really worth that extra few thousands that disconnects you from your partner or children?

And in relationships, when you find yourself comparing someone’s picture perfect highlight engagement/wedding highlight to your fizzled out relationship – it’s time to reflect on how much time you’re actually putting in to that relationship to revive it.

Comparison is the thief of joy.

Be proud of the progress you make on day 1,5 and 10 without comparing it to someone’s day 100.

I always want to keep it real with you.

Because even though I’ve helped 100s of women lose weight, love their body and show up with confidence, even I find myself questioning my morals.

And when I do, I know it’s time to reset, re-evaluate and remind you and myself why I pride myself in being raw.

So if you’re looking for long term results to give you the body you want and not the one you keep telling yourself you need because Instagram suggests it, DM me “STUCK” and let’s see if I can get you out of that comparison rut and have you hitting consistent realistic goals without feeding you any detox, insta influencer workout, cleanse or crash diet BS.

Committed to your success.

Farah ❤️


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