“I DoN’t HAvE TimE to WoRKouT”


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To be clear, this is not meant as a knock on those who choose to not go to the gym for whatever reason, and I don’t think anyone is an inherently superior human being just because they lift weights.

It’s simply meant as a little kick for those who would like to (or who did at some point and fell off track) but claim they “don’t have enough time”… even though swapping out just a small fraction of their social media use for a few workouts per week would easily be enough to achieve great results.

The average person spends about 2.5 hours per day on here, and I’m sure in most cases the bulk of that is not for “educational purposes” and is largely just a time sink.

This goes beyond social media too – do an honest audit of your week taking everything into account from start to finish and you’ll almost certainly find that you have ample time to train consistently if you truly want to.

When combined with a good diet, 3 properly structured weight training workouts per week for anywhere from 60-90 minutes can get the job done very well.

That’s around 3% of your total available waking time assuming you sleep 8 hours a night.

In the rare case that someone genuinely cannot train 3 days per week no matter what, even 2 sessions can produce significant results with the right structure in place.

If travel time to the gym is a factor, consider lifting from home. An adjustable bench, adjustable dumbbells and a pull up bar is enough to get in a very solid workout.

It may not be 100% “optimal”, but it can still produce excellent results.

Bottom line?

Outside of very select cases, a lack of time is not the issue – it’s just a matter of priorities.

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣P.S. I know time is not the only factor and there are some people who genuinely have a hard time getting in their workouts for a variety of possible reasons. I’m speaking in general here to the average person who legitimately does have the time/energy available and is simply making excuses.

#fitness #gym #workout #buildmuscle #bodybuilding


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