How much do you know about intuitive eating? Let’s talk about it First, liste…


How much do you know about intuitive eating? Let’s talk about it 👇🏾

🍽 First, listen to your body. Pay attention to your biological signals that are telling you, you need fuel. It doesn’t matter that you feel a lot hungrier today than yesterday so you “shouldn’t need to eat”. There’s a reason you’re hungry. Perhaps you exerted more energy today than yesterday or an hormonal factor. Either way, honor it.

🍽 Ditch the diets. Unless you are a training for something specific, it is not necessary. If overall health for the course of your life is the goal, fad & restrictive diets are not the way to go. You’ll ultimately stop doing them or hop from one to the next. Okay for a temporary goal. Maybe not okay for a lifetime one.

🍽 Build a healthy relationship with food. Food is not the enemy. Telling yourself you can’t eat something may cause you to binge it later instead of heaving it in moderation. Food is energy. Energy we need.

🍽 Work to heal your emotional eating. Stop eating when you are full. Notice the foods your gravitate to when you are sad or angry.

🍽 Honor Your Body. YOUR body. Have realistic expectations about your genetic makeup. Begin to feel good about who you are. Eat things that feel good to you, physically AND mentally

That is all 💛

Have a happy day!

#healthtips #intuitiveating #intuition #happythursday #healthylife #honoryourbody #emotionaleating #ditchthediet


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