Hollywood Hardbody Home Workout (Hollywood Ripped Body!)


Ever wish you could build that Hollywood hardbody look without needing fancy equipment and expensive gym memberships?

You can! You just need to know a trick or two.

David Morin with his training partner for the day, Blue Star’s very own Tyler Johnston are going to push each other through an all-out, full body fat burning workout using nothing but bodyweight.

So whether you’re a wise and distinguished 44 year old like David or a young up-and-coming gunner like Tyler, this workout will put everything you think you know to the test and truly help you sculpt that Hollywood hardbody physique guys of every age are after.

My favourite part about this workout is that it really cranks up your metabolism so that you keep burning fat, long after you’re done working out.

Ready to watch an old dog teach a young pup some new tricks?

This is the Homemade Hollywood Hardbody Workout. Let’s get to it!

For this workout, you’ll do 7 exercises in circuit fashion.

Perform 15 reps for each exercise taking as little rest between exercises as possible.

After you complete all 7 exercises, take 1-2 minutes to rest and rehydrate.

If you’re a beginner, repeat for 2 more rounds, for a total of 315 Reps.

For intermediate, repeat 3 more rounds for a total of 420 Reps.

And if you’re advanced, run through the entire circuit 4 more times, for a total of 525 Reps!

The goal here is to complete the workout in under 45 minutes.

Now set your timer and let’s get started!

Exercise #1: High Knees with Combine Kicks
We’re going start off cranking up the heart-rate and working the legs with these. Pump your knees up as high as you can towards your chest, performing 15 reps with each leg. Then switch to combine kicks and drive your heels up towards your glutes – keep up the pace and rep out 15 each leg.

Exercise #2: Walking Planks
Next we’ll work that core, drop to plank position on your forearms, body straight like a board. Raise up onto your hand on one side, then the other so you’re in push up position, then drop the first side back down to your forearm and repeat with the other side – alternating back and forth for 15 reps each side.

Exercise #3: Burpee Tuck Jumps
Then back to your feet, jump up and drive your knees up towards your chest for a tuck jump, then sprawl back into pushup position on your hands, body straight like a board, hop back to your feet and explode into the air, repeating for 15 reps – think speed and explosiveness with these!

Exercise #4: Mountain Climbers
Set up in a pushup position – body straight like a board and drive your knees up to your chest one at a time, then back to pushup position. Alternate side-to-side every rep, completing 15 reps on each side.

Exercise #5: Clapping Push Ups
Now we’ll work that upper body strength and explosiveness. Keep your body straight like a board, brace the core, lower down under control then explode into the air. You should push yourself high enough off the ground that you can clap in the air before landing every rep.

Exercise #6: Jumping Split Squats
Setup in a lunge position, keep your core braced and chest up, drive your front heel through the floor and explode up into the air, switch legs mid-air and cushion the landing then repeat alternating side to side for 15 reps each leg.

Exercise #7: Broad Jumps
Finally we’ll finish off the circuit with one of the greatest exercises for developing full body explosive power and speed, while turning your body into a metabolic machine – broad jumps. Squat down, swing your arms back, and explode forward into the air jumping as far as you can, fully stretching out your body mid-air and cushioning the landing.

That’s the end of the first round! Take two minutes to rest and rehydrate then complete the entire circuit 2, 3, or 4 more times depending on your skill level to finish up!

And that’s the Homemade Hollywood Hardbody Workout. If you’re still with us – congratulations!

As you can see, this thing is no joke. But you can be sure that you’re carving out your abs and cranking your fat-burning metabolism every single second of the workout.

Throw this circuit into your normal routine 2 or 3 times a week in place of traditional cardio and you’ll start seeing that spare tire around your waist disappear faster than you ever imagined. This is how the guys on the big screen do it – and now you know their secret.

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