Herbalife World Record Workout Routine | #WorldWorkout – March 7 2015


Join people around the world as they commit to getting fit. Be a part of the largest workout in Herbalife history and help set a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® achievement for the most participants in a HIIT* Workout in 24 hours.

This is your chance to help set the #WorldWorkout record, enjoy a great workout and help a great cause: Herbalife Family Foundation. Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) is a 501(C) (3), a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children by helping charitable organizations provide healthy nutrition to children in need. Additionally, HFF often supports relief efforts in response to catastrophic natural disasters around the world.

You can get involved anywhere in the world. Get all the details from or join the Herbalife #WorldWorkout event on Facebook to find friends in your neighborhood who have already committed to taking part: Watch the #WorldWorkout video here on YouTube or, if you’re an Independent Herbalife Member, download a copy here:

All around the world, people who embrace an healthy, active life will be completing the #WorldWorkout at 9 a.m. local time on March 7, 2015. The special workout designed by Herbalife Director of Fitness Education, Samantha Clayton and is suitable for all abilities. Surrounding yourself with friends and colleagues will help make your #WorldWorkout memorable and even more fun.
Samantha Clayton will be leading a special #WorldWorkout session from Nokia Plaza at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles at 9 a.m. PST on March 7, 2015. Wherever you are – make a date to join Samantha as she leads a group of thousands to complete the #WorldWorkout. You can join Samantha in real time by streaming the live #WorldWorkout session. Take a look at for details.The #WorldWorkout benefits the Herbalife Family Foundation, which provides good nutrition to more than 121,000 children around the globe every day. Visit to register today and take part in this fun GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® achievement for the most participants in a HIIT* Workout in 24 hours.

Joining the Herbalife #WorldWorkout is easy:
1. Register as an individual or a group at
2. Bookmark the #WorldWorkout video and practice with it, so you can easily follow the routine on March 7, 2015.
3. Designate two non-participants in your #WorldWorkout group. The first will need to take pictures to document the event and share on social media using the hashtag: #WorldWorkout on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. The other will need to verify the number of people participating.
4. Invite your friends, family and colleagues to participate and help set the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® achievement for the most participants in a HIIT* Workout in 24 hours.
5. Share your excitement. Tell everyone how you’re preparing for #WorldWorkout by joining our Herbalife Facebook event here:

*(most participants in a High Intensity Interval Training in 24 hours in multiple venues)

Music provided by Patch Bay Studio. Purchasing links to be provided shortly.


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