health&fitness # short video #Health & Fitness Tips #exercises


T-series presentsHealth and Fitness Channel.

One stop place for all your health queries and fitness programs. Guru Mann a Certified fitness & Health Nutritionist from California gives you all of it here. Already live with 12 Major Programs namely:
1. 6 Week Shredded – Fat Loss Program
2. Muscle Size 5×5 – SIZE GAIN PROGRAM
3. Ultimate Arms – Biceps & Triceps Work Out
4. Muscular 8 – Fat Loss Program
5. Pure Mass – Muscle Building program
6. GET RIPPED – Fitness Model Program
7. CONTROL DIABETES – (Medical Condition Program)
9. SHREDDED NEXT LEVEL – Advance Fat Loss Program
10. LEAN MODE – Clean Gain
11. CHOLESTEROL DIET(Medical Condition Program)
12. MASS UP – Mass building
13. Transformation 30 Body weight workout Program
Other than this the channel has several fitness tips that help you achieve your fitness goals with minutes


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