Health Tips: Top 5 rules to prevent DIABETES Naturally – Reduce the Risks of Developing Diabetes


This video explains the Top 5 rules to prevent DIABETES the natural way without medications.

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Rule number 1 : exercise.
Exercise has so many benefits to one’s health, it should be the top priority in life. We know that glucose is heavy utilised by working muscles within our body.
Therefore when you exercise and make your muscles work harder, It helps to lower blood glucose levels through the increased consumption of glucose.
Following that same thought, when you increase the proportion of muscle mass in your body, you will also be able to consume the sugar in your blood more effectively compared to someone with lower overall muscle mass.
Exercise can also help us combat obesity.
Obesity, as we know is one of the top cause of type 2 diabetes.
Losing just 5-10% of your body weight can actually have a significant reduction on your blood sugar levels.
Studies have shown that regular exercise reduces sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
The recommended exercise per week is at least 150 mins of moderate to vigorous physical activity.
Do consider a mixture of aerobic and resistant exercises.
One good recommendation can be high intensity interval training which incorporates both aerobic and resistant training.
Spread the exercises throughout the entire week.

Rule number 2: Diet
Diet plays a huge role in preventing diabetes.
We should try to avoid regular rapid spikes in blood sugar levels that will overwhelm our body system and increase the risk of diabetes.
Firstly, choose more complex carbohydrates and avoid added sugar in your diet and drinks. Carbohydrate is basically the main source of energy for the human body.
It gets broken down during digestion and causes a direct increase in blood sugar level after a meal.
When you consume food and beverages laden with added simple sugar like soft drinks and candies and cakes, it will result in a rapid sudden spike in your blood sugar levels.
Refined carbohydrate like white bread, pasta and white rice can also cause a spike in our blood sugar levels post meal.
Consuming more complex carbohydrate like whole grains, legumes, vegetables and whole fruits are better as they are digested much more slowly thereby releasing sugar into our blood stream in a gradual manner.
Last but not the least, consider eating smaller frequent meals throughout the day.

Rule number 3: Manage your stress
Studies have shown that leading a stressful life can actually adversely affect blood sugar levels!
Hormones such as cortisol are being produced when we get stressed and these hormones can cause our blood sugar levels to go up.
As such, relaxation activities such as meditation and yoga are said to help decrease blood sugar levels.

Rule 4: Get enough rest.
A good night’s rest is essential for promoting overall good health.
Poor sleep can lead to issues such as reduced insulin sensitivity, increase in appetite and weight gain.
Lack of sleep also increases cortisol levels in the body which can result in higher blood sugar levels.
Always aim to sleep for 7 to 8 hours at night.

Rule 5: Kick the bad habits.
Smoking and drinking can increase your risk of diabetes.
It is said that smokers are 30 to 40% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who do not smoke.
This is because nicotine can reduce the effectiveness of insulin, resulting in insulin insensitivity in the long run.
And for those who are already diabetic, smoking exacerbates diabetic related health problems such as nerve damage, heart and kidney disease, poor blood circulation and retinopathy.
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol puts your liver under stress and this will prevent it from functioning properly in regulating blood sugar levels.

00:00 intro
00:22 Rule 1 exercise
02:02 Rule 2 Diet
03:21 Rule 3 Manage your stress
03:48 Rule 4 Get enough sleep
04:21 Rule 5 Stop bad habits

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