When trying to lose weight, or just trying to eat healthier, the g…


When trying to lose weight, or just trying to eat healthier, the goal is NOT❌perfection; it’s ✔️C O N S I S T E N C Y.
It’s totally normal to “slip up” and have a less healthy meal or to eat something that’s not part of your ‘plan’. Heck, it’s even EXPECTED.
And it’s nothing to feel guilty about—IT’S LIFE.
And a slip up here & there definitely won’t hinder your overall success. 

“The most important thing is not to prevent mistakes altogether, but to avoid making a mistake TWICE IN A ROW. Errors are part of the process, but they shouldn’t become part of the pattern.” (James Clear)

One mistake is just an outlier. Two mistakes in a row is the beginning of a new habit.

Which perfectly describes what I always stress & try to ingrain in my clients.🙌🏼
…that is, if you do ‘mess up’, the best action you can take is getting right back on track by making sure that the next meal you put in your mouth is a nutritious one.🥙🥑🫐🍳

What you DO❌NOT want to do is beat yourself up over it and try to ‘punish’ yourself by restricting & skipping meals because you were ‘bad’.
Stop getting caught in that vicious cycle.

So you ate something ‘off plan’.🤷🏻‍♀️
So what.🤷🏻‍♀️
It happened & you can’t change it; so just MOVE ON & shake it off.
And make sure when you DO have that ice cream cone, or slice of pizza, or what have you, that you ENJOY EVERY👏🏼SINGLE👏🏼BITE👏🏼

Say BUH BYE to that perfectionist, ‘all or nothing’ mindset.👋🏼✌🏼

…and when you find yourself in this situation & get the urge to beat yourself up over your ‘mistake’, remember, OPRAH POOPS, TOO!😙☝🏼


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