Guys this one might not be for you. Ok ladies, training during your menstrual cy…


Guys this one might not be for you. Ok ladies, training during your menstrual cycle⏰ … let’s not shy away from the subject. The changes of our reproductive system and how this will affect our training and lifestyle.

Knowing and understanding our cycle will determine our routine and performance in the gym and how to set realistic daily expectations. Let’s use this to our advantage, optimise our training days and make sure we get adequate rest and recovery times.
Wonder why that Nutella jar takes a hit during this time?⤵️

Your cycle impacts and wide variety of training factors- strength, recovery and metabolic rate. Understand the 3️⃣ phases.

⚡️Follicular Phase
Mood & energy levels increase🔋due to Oestrogen & Serotonin.
Good time to perform maximal strength tests, good potential for increased muscle gains.💪🏽
Increase in testosterone levels.
Core body temperature returns to baseline after menstruation.📈
Sleep & recovery rate are at their peak.💤

Hormonal fluctuations causes increase to core body temperature.🤒
Calorie expenditure increase by 10-20%.
Aerobic exercise recommended. Walking, running, cycling all stimulate endorphin “feel good” production. Fab for stress relief and mental health.🚲🤩

⚡️Luteal Phase
Increased body temperature🥵 and overall performance may be decreased.👎🏽
A good opportunity for de-load and rest days😴 or perform shorter, less intense workouts.
Sleep quality and rest may be disrupted. You may feel more fatigued.
Increase in metabolic rate so you may be burning more calories during rest.🔥
Your body may use more fat for fuel and energy due to the presence of increase Progesterone & decrease Estrogen.⛽️

Get to know your cycle and always communicate with your coach if you need guidance.
Save it & share it.❤️‍🔥

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