Grocery Shopping at Costco for Bodybuilding Diet Foods


The first step to a healthy bodybuilding diet is grocery shopping and stocking up the kitchen with good quality bodybuilding foods. So follow along as we make a Costco run to get groceries!


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I love shopping at Costco, you can buy good quality food in bulk and save money in the process…

In fact, I’m saving so much money that I’m going broke LOL

For those of you who shop at Costco you know what I mean 😉

All those big package deals end up costing a small fortune. In this grocery shopping trip alone we spent over $600 bucks, which is A LOT for us.

Now granted it wasn’t all groceries, there were some other things that we needed to pick up as well, but most of the stuff we bought was food items.

Here’s a run down of some of the basic bodybuilding foods that I like to get for my muscle building diet plan.

Costco Bodybuilding Grocery List:

1. Protein Powder
2. Greens Powder
3. Meat, Chicken, etc.
4. Nuts (raw almonds, walnuts, etc.)
5. Fish
6. Mixed frozen berries and mixed frozen veggies
7. Dairy Products like Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Milk, Greek Yogurt, etc.
8. Eggs & Egg Whites
9. Fresh Fruit
10. Sweet Potatoes
11. Green Veggies & Salads
12. Various Complex Carbs like Rice, Pasta, Oatmeal, etc.

For the most part you can get all these basic bodybuilding foods at Costco for much cheaper than you can get them at the grocery store. At least here in Canada. I’m not so sure about other parts of the world. But that’s why we do a lot of our shopping here.

Note: I’m not sponsored by Costco, I have to pay for my stuff just like everyone else. But I wish they would sponsor me and help me cut down on the grocery bill… Who knows, if they see this video they may offer me some sort of deal LOL 😉

Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful or at least entertaining. And if you need some help with planning out a good bodybuilding diet, I have a free e-book called “Bodybuilding Nutrition Made Simple” that you can download here:

And if you’d like some help with a complete muscle building and fat loss program, just let me know. We can get on the phone and have a phone consultation to discuss your situation, your fitness goals, and the challenges that are holding you back.

During our phone call you’ll get your questions answered and we’ll discuss some realistic strategies for how you can start making progress towards your health, fitness, muscle building, and fat loss goals.

Click on the link below to book a free 20-minute phone coaching call with me:

#fitover40 #groceryshopping #leehayward


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