Full body workout using a chair! With Dr. Oz's Trainer Donovan Green | Natalie Jill


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Full Body Chair Workout with Dr. Oz’s Personal Trainer, Donovan Green – video

Donovan Green, Dr. Oz’s personal trainer (quite the credential, right?!) and I have a lot in common — from our chair workouts, to our slogans. So we decided to have a CHAIR SHOWDOWN! We think we can kick each other’s butt. Let’s see how it goes. 🙂

LEGS: You might look like a girl doing it, but it’s killer! Facing your chair, squat down into a lunge. From that position, bring your leg in and out behind you while staying low. This one will get your glutes, your quads — it works everything! Finish one side before switching to the next. If you need to make it more intense, you can let go of the chair and move your arms. This will turn it into a full body movement.

TRICEPS: This move mixes triceps with some lower abs. Come to the outer edge of the chair and do a tricep dip. From there, lift up and kick one leg at a time up into the air. Alternate legs as you go. He said aim for 30 seconds and this one REALLY gets your heart rate up!

CHEST: This move will work your chest and your abs. Start with a wide grip pushup with your hands on the chair. But when you come up, do a little twist where you bring opposite knee into opposite elbow, then switch and repeat the sequence. Make sure to keep your core tight the entire time and keep your elbows locked to the body. If you want to be a showoff, ;), you can add a kick!

GLUTES: “Simple stuff…Easy stuff,” he said! “Hover squats,” he said. Yikes, at least girls have practice from trying to avoid public toilet seats)! From a seated position, lift and hover over the chair and hold. Don’t let your butt touch the chair, and make sure all of your weight is pressing through your heels.

ABS: This will combine abs with a little bit of upper body. Sit the in the chair, and then walk your feet out in front of you as if you are creating a 45 degree (give or take) angle with your body and the floor. Then crawl your body back in to the seated position, without actually sitting. Make sure you squeeze your abs the entire time. If you need more, you can add a slight lift from the hands once you tuck back in.

BICEPS: Squatting down onto the floor, find your balance. Engage your core! Then lift the bottom of your chair and do side to side hamstring curls with it. This will work balance, core, shoulders, AND biceps! HOLY COW it burns!!! He almost got me beat here.

INNER THIGHS: Place the chair in front of you, holding lightly onto the back of it, toes pointed out, pliée low to a wide squat and do small pulses. Stay LOW while you are pulsing. And if you really want to show off, you can add some small steps forward and backward…or let someone hop on your back! OK but seriously…save that for Donovan!

UPPER BODY: Declines! Put your feet on the chair and go down into a push up. At the top of the motion, bring opposite knee to opposite elbow.

Bottom line to all of this — you can workout ANYWHERE, at ANY level. We both have chair workouts for beginners or advanced. NO EXCUSE FITNESS!

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