For years, popular belief has held that our cravings show what is lacking in our…


For years, popular belief has held that our cravings show what is lacking in our diet, that cravings are our body’s way of telling us what they need.

While not entirely false (there is research connecting cravings to certain nutritional deficiencies), it is not the entire story. Most of us have food cravings; 97 percent of women and 68 percent of men who took part in a study published in the journal “Appetite” reported experiencing them. Different cravings mean different things.

Let’s start with the most common one: Chocolate.
Do you know the foods that nutritionists typically point to as being high in magnesium, like green leafy vegetables? Well, they are, but chocolate beats them all. But why do we crave magnesium? What does it do for us?

Magnesium is a mineral that is required by the human body, and its overall effect is relaxation. It relaxes the nervous system; it relaxes the muscles, and it relaxes the gastrointestinal system.

Next on the list: Salty Snacks
These foods are high in sodium. Is sodium that evil bad guy that gives you high blood pressure? That’s how it’s portrayed in the media, and if you get too much, it can do that.
However, it also has many beneficial effects. It helps you maintain proper hydration status and sodium helps the nerves talk to muscles, and it allows the muscles to contract.

Another interesting one on the list: Fatty Foods
If you’re a fan of cream, cheese, and other super-rich delights, it may be a craving for essential fatty acids. Contrary to the name, fatty acids don’t make you fat (depending on quantity, of course), but you need them for several functions, like hormone production and skin quality. We always need fat.

Read full article here:

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